Friday, September 6, 2013

Earth Liberation Front Documentary

A rare behind-the-curtain look at the Earth Liberation Front, the radical environmental group that the FBI calls America's 'number one domestic terrorist threat.'

As I write this I weep with sadness and outrage at what has been lost, I write and scream and very few give a fuck about the ways they consume their wonderful product.... EARTH-ANIMAL and the prime-natural FIRST Peoples, a 500 year old dreadful change into become the servant-slave to the corporate-governments of the world.

I see absolutely see nothing wrong with the destruction of civilized man and all it has built, base on the concept that it is "progress", a nice word for the idiots to believe they have the rite to live in comfort over every... Natural Being.

PROGRESS; equates to death destruction and subjection and then forcing every person into become a civilian, cooperator-contributor to the machine causing them to ignore the empathetical side of their nature.

The only solution left is to let the idiot consuming civilian eat them selves out house and home and then earth will recover on her own.... Without the egocentrism of civilized man!



Is to stop to consume Animal flesh, like Cows Pigs Hens and other so-called live stock and also the products that are produced like milk cheese eggs and other diary items, This will begin to lower you carbon foot print and lessen the unnecessary suffering of Factory Farmed Animals , and if you are incapable of do this, well its a pathetic situation for your self your family and the rest of EARTH and her innocent creatures!

and now


In December 2005, Daniel McGowan was arrested by Federal agents in a nationwide sweep of radical environmentalists involved with the Earth Liberation Front-- a group the
FBI has called America's "number one domestic terrorism threat."

For years, the ELF—operating in separate anonymous cells without any central leadership—had launched spectacular arsons against dozens of businesses they accused of destroying the environment: timber companies, SUV dealerships, wild horse slaughterhouses, and a $12 million ski lodge at Vail, Colorado.

With the arrest of Daniel and thirteen others, the government had cracked what was probably the largest ELF cell in America and brought down the group responsible for the very first ELF arsons in this country.

remarkable story of the rise and fall of this ELF cell, by focusing on the transformation
and radicalization of one of its members.

Part coming-of-age tale, part cops-and-robbers thrilller, the film interweaves a verite chronicle of Daniel on house arrest as he faces life in prison, with a dramatic recounting of the events that led to his involvement with the group. And along the way it asks hard questions about environmentalism, activism, and the way we define terrorism.

Drawing from striking archival footage -- much of it never before seen -- and intimate interviews with ELF members, and with the prosecutor and detective who were chasing them, IF A TREE FALLS explores the tumultuous period from 1995 until early 2001 when environmentalists were clashing with timber companies and law enforcement, and the word "terrorism" had not yet been altered by 9/11.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I think your Gods are wiser and more merciful than that

Ascitic Thunderer for the domesticated animals is my path. I have been a consistent practitioner for some time now. Before that, I would try over and over again. But it was sporadic. Finally, I made up my mind.

When a Factory Farm kills an animal for food and the people consume it, They are only neglecting their own desires for equality and justice. Civ-Man prays for mercy and the cynical consume and say the sky is a beautiful shade of blue, but is unwilling to extend it to others. Why should man then expect mercy from their Gods? and their Food, It's unfair to expect something that you are not willing to give. It is inconsistent.

I can never accept inconsistency injustice or inequality. Even if it comes from their Scientists-Gods and Corporate-Government. If there would come a voice from the "Great Spirit" saying, "I'm against vegetarianism!" I would say, "Well, I am against you and what you say!" This is how strongly I feel about the Animal-People and Earth.
In orthodox religious scientific circles, this would be considered heretical. And Still, I am a spiritual man. I'm not for organized religion/monotheism, and I don't take part in it. Especially when they interpret their scientific-religious books as being in favor of meat-eating. Sometimes they say He wants sacrifice and the killing of domesticated factory farm animals. If this is true, then I would never be able to comply. But I think your Gods are wiser and more merciful than that. And there are interpretations of religious scriptures which support this, saying that vegetarianism is a very high ideal.

Whether the mass of people accept the vegetarian interpretation of religion or not really doesn't matter. At least not in my life. I accept it implicitly. Of course, it would be wonderful if the world adopted vegetarianism, on spiritual and empathetical grounds or any other. But this is not likely. I am a skeptic and trust not one word of a consuming civilian. In any event, what the people in general do will not affect me. I will continue to be a vegan even if the whole world started to eat meat.

This is my protest and resistance against the conduct of civ-man. To be a vegan is to disagree - to disagree with the course of things today. Nuclear power, starvation, cruelty exploitation war capitalism and especially specieism (Human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species or race, especially as manifested by cruelty to or exploitation of animals and tribal peoples).- we must make a stand against these things. Environmental Veganism is my statement. And it is a powerful one that stands with respect for all the Animal People and my Ancestors.

This article pertains to the farm factory meat industry that contributes a major part of the pollution cruelty and the exploitation of animals and tribal peoples by the way of stolen lands bodies and spirits and in conclusion if you consider your self an eater of domesticated animal flesh and believe it is your right , well... your part of the problem that the natural world is having!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ethical and Environmental Veganism

"Those who claim that adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is more harmful to the earth then a meat diet, are in fact the unethical aspect of the civilian population, in fact the planet and its Natural or First peoples would be much off with out those product consuming brats whose level of intelligence always resorts to cynicism.

The real issues is the over population of the planet and the need to feed all  who live in the so-called privileged countries like the USA, Canada,. European Union, Switzerland and other such wonderful places.

So to remedy  this issues we should start with the elimination of  those who desire to consume unnecessary Products.

But in the mean time here is the Vegan solution, until we drive our selves onto that reinforced technological-metallic wall that we have built".

The source of the article below is PETA: 

Vegetarianism and the Environment

Raising animals for food requires massive amounts of land, food, energy, and water. The byproducts of animal agriculture pollute our air and waterways. By shunning animal products, vegetarians are de facto environmentalists.

Using Up Resources
As the world’s appetite for meat increases, countries across the globe are bulldozing huge swaths of land to make more room for animals as well as crops to feed them. From tropical rain forests in Brazil to ancient pine forests in China, entire ecosystems are being destroyed to fuel humans’ addiction to meat. According to scientists at the Smithsonian Institution, seven football fields' worth of land is bulldozed every minute to create more room for farmed animals and the crops that feed them.(1) Of all the agricultural land in the U.S., 80 percent is used to raise animals for food and grow grain to feed them—that’s almost half the total land mass of the lower 48 states.(2) In the “finishing” phase alone, in which pigs grow from 100 pounds to 240 pounds, each hog consumes more than 500 pounds of grain, corn, and soybeans; this means that across the U.S., pigs eat tens of millions of tons of feed every year.(3)
Chickens, pigs, cattle, and other animals raised for food are the primary consumers of water in the U.S.: a single pig consumes 21 gallons of drinking water per day, while a cow on a dairy farm drinks as much as 50 gallons daily.(4,5) It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of cow flesh, whereas it takes about 180 gallons of water to make 1 pound of whole wheat flour.(6)
Polluting the Air
Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide together cause the vast majority of global warming. Producing a little more than 2 pounds of beef causes more greenhouse-gas emissions than driving a car for three hours and uses up more energy than leaving your house lights on for the same period of time.(7) According to the United Nations, a global shift toward a vegan diet is one of the steps necessary to combat the worst effects of climate change.(8) The Worldwatch Institute estimates that at least 51 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide can be attributed to "livestock and their byproducts."(9)
Factory farms also produce massive amounts of dust and other contaminates that pollute the air. A study in Texas found that animal feedlots in that state produce more than 7,000 tons of particulate dust every year and that the dust “contains biologically active organisms such as bacteria, mold, and fungi from the feces and the feed.”(10) And when the cesspools holding tons of urine and feces get full, factory farms may circumvent water pollution limits by spraying liquid manure into the air, creating mists that are carried away by the wind and inhaled by nearby residents.(11) According to a report by the California State Senate, “Studies have shown that [animal waste] lagoons emit toxic airborne chemicals that can cause “inflammatory, immune, … and neurochemical problems in humans.”(12)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that roughly 80 percent of ammonia emissions in the U.S. come from animal waste.(13) A California study found that a single dairy cow “emits 19.3 pounds of volatile organic compounds per year, making dairies the largest source of the smog-making gas, surpassing trucks and passenger cars.”(14)
Polluting the Water
Each day, factory farms produce billions of pounds of manure, which ends up in lakes, rivers, and drinking water.
The 3 trillion pounds of waste produced by factory-farmed animals each year are usually used to fertilize crops, and they subsequently end up running off into waterways—along with the drugs and bacteria that they contain.(15) Many tons of waste end up in giant pits in the ground or on crops, polluting the air and groundwater. According to the EPA, agricultural runoff is the number one source of pollution in our waterways.(16)
It doesn’t stop there. Streams and rivers carry excrement from factory farms to the Mississippi River, which then deposits the waste in the Gulf of Mexico. The nitrogen from animal feces—and from fertilizer, which is primarily used to grow crops for farmed animals—causes algae populations to skyrocket, leaving little oxygen for other life forms. A 2006 report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found that the Gulf of Mexico’s “dead zone”—an area in which virtually all the sea animals and plants have died—is now half the size of Maryland.(17) In 2006, a separate study by Princeton University found that a shift away from meat production—as well as Americans’ adoption of vegetarian diets—would dramatically reduce the amount of nitrogen in the Gulf to levels that would make the dead zone “small or non-existent.”(18)
Cruelty to Animals
In addition to polluting the environment, factory farming strives to produce the most meat, milk, and eggs as quickly and cheaply as possible and in the smallest amount of space possible, resulting in abusive conditions for animals. Cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, rabbits, and other animals are kept in small cages or stalls, where they are often unable to turn around. They are deprived of exercise so that all their energy goes toward producing flesh, eggs, or milk for human consumption. They are fed drugs that fatten them more quickly, and they are genetically manipulated to grow faster or produce much more milk or eggs than they would naturally. For more industry-specific information, please see our factsheets about pigscowsvealchickens,turkeys, and foie gras.
Don’t be fooled by products labeled as “organic” or “free-range.” Because definitions and enforcement of regulations are inconsistent, it’s difficult to determine which products actually come from animals who are treated decently. Since none of the labels applies to transport or slaughter and none prohibits bodily mutilations such as debeaking, tail-docking, ear-notching, or dehorning, the worst cruelty continues to be completely unregulated. For more information, please see our factsheet about these misleading labels.

What You Can Do
Switching to a vegetarian diet reduces your “ecological footprint,” allowing you to tread lightly on the planet and be compassionate to its inhabitants. With so many great vegetarian options, eating green has never been more delicious. Whether you go vegetarian for the environment, for your health, or for animals, you have the power to change the world, simply by changing what’s on your plate.

References1) Smithsonian Institution, “Smithsonian Researchers Show Amazonian Deforestation Accelerating,” Science Daily 15 Jan. 2002.
2) Marlow Vesterby and Kenneth S. Krupa, “Major Uses of Land in the United States, 1997,” Statistical Bulletin No. 973, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1997.
3) John Carlson, “Evaluation of Corn Processing By-Products in Swine Diets,” Western Illinois University, 3 Apr. 1996.
4) Theo van Kempen, “Whole Farm Water Use,” North Carolina State University Swine Extension, Jul. 2003.
5) Rick Grant, “Water Quality and Requirements for Dairy Cattle,” NebGuide, Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1996.
6) Marcia Kreith, “Water Inputs in California Food Production,” Water Education Foundation 27 Sept. 1991.
7) Daniele Fanelli, “Meat Is Murder on the Environment,” New Scientist 18 Jul. 2007.
8) International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, "Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production," United Nations Environment Programme 2010.
9)Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang, "Livestock and Climate Change," World Watch Nov/Dec 2009.
10) Consumers Union SWRO, “Animal Factories: Pollution and Health Threats to Rural Texas,” May 2000.
11) Jennifer Lee, “Neighbors of Vast Hog Farms Say Foul Air Endangers Their Health,” The New York Times 11 May 2003.
12) Kip Wiley et al., “Confined Animal Facilities in California,” California State Senate, Nov. 2004.
13) State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, “Review of Emission Factors and Methodologies to Estimate Ammonia Emissions From Animal Waste Handling,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Apr. 2002.
14) Jennifer M. Fitzenberger, “Dairies Gear Up for Fight Over Air,” Fresno Bee 2 Aug. 2005.
15) Amy Ellis Nutt, “In Soil, Water, Food, Air,” Star-Ledger 8 Dec. 2003.
16) U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
17) “NOAA Forecasts Larger Than Normal ‘Dead Zone’ for Gulf This Summer,” NOAA News Online, 24 Jul. 2006.
18) Simon D. Donner, “Surf or Turf: A Shift From Feed to Food Cultivation Could Reduce Nutrient Flux to the Gulf of Mexico,” Global Environmental Change 17 (2007): 105-13.


I came to recognize that the conflict I experienced so intensely was a symptom of a slip that runs through your entire civilisation. This split is experienced to differing degrees by almost everyone. It is now threatening our very survival.
From the time of our remotest ancestors until the seventeenth century, it was taken for granted that the world of nature was alive. But in the last three centuries, growing numbers of educated people have come to think of nature as lifeless. This has been the central doctrine of orthodox science- the mechanistic theory of nature.
We have to remember that what are now commonplace assumptions were one controversial theories, rooted in peculiar kinds of theology and philosophy, believed only by a handful of European intellectuals. Through the successes of technology, the mechanistic theory of nature is now triumphant on a global scale; it is built into the official orthodoxy of economic development. It has become a kind of religion. And it has led us to our present crisis.
Science itself has now begun to transcend the mechanistic worldview. The idea that everything is determined in advance has given way to the ideas of in-determinism, spontaneity and chaos. The hard, inert atoms of Newtonian physics have dissolved into structures of vibratory activity. The uncreative world machine has turned into a creative, evolutionary cosmos. Even the laws of nature may not be eternally fixed: they may be evolving along with nature.
Simple though the idea of living nature may sound, it has profound implications. It upsets deep-seated habits of thoughts; it points toward a new kind of science, a new understanding of spirituality… an old relationship between humanity and the living world. We urgently need to find practical ways of re-establishing our conscious sense of connection with living nature. We have No Time to lose.
Matriarchal nature and the desecration of the world
Like human mothers, nature has always evoked ambivalent emotions. She is beautiful, fertile, nurturing, benevolent and generous. But she is also wild, destructive, chaotic, smothering, death dealing- the Mother in her terrifying form, like Nemesis, Hecate or Kali.
The idea of nature as a mechanical inanimate system is in some ways more comforting; it gives a sense that we are in control and gratifyingly confirms our belief that we have risen above primitive animistic ways of thinking. Nature is less frightening if she can be dismissed as a superstition, a poetic turn of phrase or a mythic archetype confined to human minds, while the inanimate natural world remains there for us to exploit.
Although the conquest of nature for the sake of human progress is the official ideology of the modern world, the old intuition of nature as a mother still affects our personal responses.
The very words for nature in European languages are feminine- for example phusis in Greek, natura in Latin, la nature in French, die Natur in German. The latin world natura literally meant « birth ». The Greek world phusis came from the root phu whose primary meaning was also connected with birth. Thus our words physics and physical like nature and natural have their origins in the mothering process.
In the  animist beliefs (nowadays called mythologies), the great mother has many aspects. She was the original source of the universe and its laws and the ruler of nature, fate, time, eternity, truth, wisdom, justice, love, birth and death. She was Earth, Gaia, the mother of the sun, like Nun or Astarte. She was natura, the goddess Nature and she had many other silent names and images as the mother and matrix and sustaining force of All Thing.
These feminine associations play an important part in our thinking; our conception of nature is intertwined with ideas about the relations between women and men, between animals and gods, and between the feminine and the masculine in general. If we prefer to reject these traditional sexual associations, what are the alternatives to the idea of nature as organic, alive and mother like ? One is that nature consists of nothing but inanimate matter in motion. But in this case we only deny the mother principle by being unaware of it; the very word for matter is derived from the same root as mother- in Latin the corresponding words are material and mater- and the whole ethos of materialism is permeated with maternal metaphors.
The conception of nature as a machine brings another set of metaphors into play. Many mechanists assume that this way of thinking is uniquely objective, whereas they see the idea of living nature as anthropocentric, nothing but a projection of human ways of thinking onto the inanimate world around him. But surely the machine metaphor is more anthropocentric than the organic. The only machines we know of are man-made. Machine making is a uniquely human activity, and a relatively recent one too. The 17th. And 18th. Century conception of God as the designer and creator of the world machine cast him in the image of technological man. And in attempting to see all aspects of nature as machine like, we only project current technologies onto the world supposed to be around us.
We cannot help thinking in terms of metaphors, analogies, models and images; they are embedded in the language and in the very structure of our thought. Both animistic and mechanistic thinking are metaphoric. But whereas mythic and animistic thinking depends on organic metaphors drawn by the processes of life, mechanistic thinking depends on metaphors drawn from man-made machinery.
Since the earth is our immediate home, Earth was recognized before the wider domain of Nature was conceived of on a cosmic scale to include the vast expanse of the heavens. The image of earth as a mother is found in all aboriginal cultures, all over the world. In the late 19 century, this is how a man of the Wanapum tribe explained why he refused to till the ground :
Shall I take a knife and tear my mother’s bosom ? Then when I die she will not take me to her bosom to rest. You ask me to dig for stone! Shall I dig under her skin for her bones ? Then when I die I cannot enter her body to be again. You ask me to cut grass and make hay and sell it, and be rich like white men! But how dare I cut off my mother’s hair?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The B.S. Myth

The B.S. (Bering Strait) Myth

I will offer here a very condensed explanation of the facts that clearly demonstrate that the ‘Bering Strait Theory’ has never graduated beyond being a theory.  Before I begin, however, I would offer that no one has ever exposed the foolishness of this myth with more research, intelligence, and eloquence than fellow Oglala Lakota, Vine Deloria Jr., Phd. in his best-selling book, ’Red Earth, White Lies’.  Read his chapter on the Bering Strait in this book and I assure you, you will never look at this ’theory’ the same way ever again.
The Bering Strait Myth is not so much science as it is politics. Much objective modern science in the past several decades has even suggested that it is highly questionable if there ever was a so-called ‘land-bridge’, or ‘ice-bridge’ as some have defined it.  Yes, that’s right, from an in-depth, intensive non-politically affected and unbiased scientific study of earth history, countless scientists (mostly non-American) have concluded that there most likely never was a ‘land-bridge’! When I was young, it was ’12,000 years ago’ when Indians supposedly migrated over the ‘land-bridge’ into this continent. Over the years, I have watched this number go up from 12,000 years, to 20,000 years, and now in recent print, I have begun to see the number placed at  over 30,000 years! It seems that scientists just move the number back whenever something Indian is discovered that pre-dates their Bering Strait migration figure!  I can tell you this, science does not have the market cornered on fact, nor on truth.
Most U.S. History books, and many other books written about North American Indigenous people, begin by propagating the Bering Strait Myth, telling the silly story of thousands, even millions, of early First Nations people migrating from Asia, crossing the so-called ‘land-bridge’ of the Bering Strait.  You may be surprised to discover that the scientists who support the Bering Strait Myth also want us to believe that many kinds of animals, plants, and even trees crossed over the Bering Strait into this Turtle continent.  No kidding!  Let me give you some more hard facts to help you discard, at long last, the foolish Bering Strait Myth once and for all.
First….  Many Indigenous Nations have calendars which have been counting the years for a very long time.  I am aware that the calendar of the Mohawk Indian Nation has been counting the winters for over 33,120 years.  This pre-dates the so-called ’land-bridge’ of the Bering Strait theory, unless, of course, the Bering Strait scientists decide to move their interestingly illusive time period for our “early migration” back to 40,000 years! Many American Indian early histories tell of events that took place on this Turtle continent (North America) long before any so-called ice age.  But, for political reasons, our histories have been mostly ignored.  You see, the Bering Strait, in truth, is a theory that was born of the politics and propaganda of early America.  In the midst of the American ‘Manifest Destiny’ social climate, the Bering Strait theory provided a ‘scientific’ means to justify the taking of ancestral Indian lands.  In short, the mythical theory eased the conscience, as it was a way for land hungry immigrants to believe that, because Indian people were only ‘recent inhabitants’ of this land , it was not really our ’homeland’.  Therefore we were, in their minds, not any more the ‘original people’ in this land than they were.  This was, and still is, the political power of the infamous ‘Bering Strait theory’.
Continuing….  The Bering Strait theory would have us believe that all of North America was uninhabited by human beings of any kind until the supposed ‘ice age’.  The theory contends that all the ancestors of American Indians originated in Siberia.  Factual history of the ancient people of Siberia in those times indicates that these people had plenty to eat, were very settled into their communities, and the land they lived on.  The Bering Strait theory wants us to believe that countless thousands of people from these well established communities in Siberia, despite the fact that they had everything they needed, just left it all behind to head north into a frozen tundra to ‘chase and hunt game’ (which, by the way, also decided for some crazy reason to leave their rich marshlands and head for the ice).  It is certainly possible that a handful of ancient Siberian people over the course of thousands of years may have found their way into the northern parts of North America.  The Inuit cultures of Alaska may well carry an ancient connection with these people in their bloodlines.  But this does not in any way negate the foolishness of the notion that North America was entirely devoid of humanity, and then suddenly became populated entirely by Siberians wandering across a so-called frozen ice bridge.

Will genetic anthropology establish scientific criteria for race or ethnicity?

“DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans.  While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.  There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity.  People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other.  Indeed, it has been proven that there is more genetic variation within races than exists between them.”
Then there is the ‘land bridge’ itself….  In order to create the Bering Strait ‘bridge’, we first need the timeless normal function of the earth’s wind, evaporation and precipitation patterns to, all of a sudden, just change completely.  The wind streams need to begin to travel south to north, instead of west to east.  In order to create the Bering Strait ‘bridge’, we need to drop the water level at least 200 ft.  So an enormous amount of water needs to be evaporated - about 20.82 million cubic kilometers, enough water to cover an area of 5 million square miles with a sheet of ice 1.2 miles thick. To complete the process, we need this massive evaporation to take place in the warmer climates of the south, then the moisture laden clouds need to break the natural laws of the planet and head to the far north so they can then ‘dump’ their precipitation as ice over the northern regions of the earth.  To quote from Professor Vine Deloria Jr., ”We cannot today conceive of a natural process that would evaporate this amount of water and transport it safely from the temperate zones to ensure that it precipitated as ice in Canada.”  As you can see, when you begin to explore the facts, it becomes more and more clear how ridiculous the Bering Strait theory really is.  The Native people of this Turtle continent did not ‘migrate’ to this land….  we have always been here.
You may notice that I keep italicizing the word theory.  My reason for doing this is that I think it is very important to note that this myth is still identified today as a theory, not a fact.  A theory is defined as: ”an offered opinion which may not positively be true.”  Yet this theory is taught in schools still today as if it were the gospel truth.  It is far from the truth, and the time for it to be removed from lessons about American Indian people is long overdue.
I do encourage teachers to use this document in all classrooms where it has been decided to teach the truth of Indian culture. And again, I strongly suggest you get the book by Vine Deloria Jr., Red Earth, White Lies.  May you be blessed on your journey to truth.

(Written by John Two-Hawks)

The book by Vine Deloria Jr., Red Earth, White Lies

Monday, August 19, 2013

You may think this is over, genocide.

The residential schools was a system that was brought up to,

1 Denature the children, and to brake the community

2 Steal the land

3 Replace the chiefs

The very reason was and still is, the neoliberalism system is instigated by the civilized world against the natural world and this hasn’t changed one bit in many years . Look how the health of the people is being exploited, the system wants the indigenous people to be unhealthy, its a multi-billion dollar industry and look who exploits it, by mining, building, cultivating, Muti-national corporation, and look who was initially living in that land.

You will quickly understand that this neoliberal system needs to destroy or to kill the indigenous peoples in order to produce enough for the civilized privileged nations to survive. The products that we buy today are directly connected to the aboriginal genocides.

The gold on your wedding ring is mind from the wayan country that you call Guyana. The waana peope where colonized by the French schools, indoctrinated by the Christian missionaries, and now They die poisoned by mercury and the “french cannot control the clandestine gold searching.
The Jarawa people of India, whom ALL children where brought into residential schools just recently, so that the government of India can build a road to tourism and the way to civilization.

The Kayapo people, in so called Brazil whom’s motto is “Order and progress” - at least is doesn’t lie for once- are condemned by the 3 biggest dams of the world. Not only is it a natural disaster, but it condemns all the people of Amazonia to death. You can call death adaptation or desperation. but its still death.

From the Tchouktche small people, to the pygmy, it is always about stealing the earth, stealing the spirits, in the name of your civilization.
The tools are always the same : the church – all monotheism, the school, the alcohol, the social services, the money, the “every one is a chief” system, the lie system.

Today, in your country, you are asked to vote for or against the growth of the ethnologic museum. Just one remark : we asked to leave one advertisement in the museum, it was strongly refused. We were told, only what belongs to the "city" can go into the museum. I didn’t know that the spirits of my people belong to the city of your dreams.

Seriously, our people don’t need neocolonialism and to have our spirits transformed into art, in hyp- galleries or in museums. Our spirits are alive, and will be for ever, even if we all disappear. But you have to understand that you didn’t invent the world, not with the Christian god, not with the scientific gods or not with any of the monotheist religions, not with the educational dogma. 
My mother, my people, - and us all indigenous nature based peoples, we all know the animals as our people, that are constantly exploited, killed , tortured in the name of the civilized man. But what does this world mean, “civilization” ? 
Here the etymology is instructive : the latin world “civis” means “city”. 
There is a civilization where there is a common respect for the characteristic qualities of good cities : a same respect for the usual objects, clothes, monuments, rites. The world itself, the word civilization appears in the 18 century 5 years after the landing of the french troupes in Algeria, this was the signal of the beginning of the french colonization and was build from “to civilize” 

Now, just think about this : there is a war between the people of the city who are the people of the expanding and producing -“Order and progress”, and the people of the nature.
This war is going on here in your kitchen, and when you buy a chicken sandwich and French fries at McDonalds , implanted on south American Indian lands, with poor cows suffering in your farm factories.
This is why the residential schools, the churches, the Corporate Government exist to this day for you, the good little hard working citizen of the Global Reservation-work Camp and your comfortable lille cities!



Remember when referring to the indigenous peoples of the americas, please complete and understand that the word "Theory" , (for example say " Bering Strait Theory") It is an important part of what is being suggested it is not stating that this is a FACT or the TRUTH it is a theory!

If a person with any kind of consideration or true respect, even intelligence, would take the time to inquire with the indigenous peoples they would find that all the tellings of the ancient past contradict what the scholars have institutionalized, what the tellings have indicated is something else, now, I am going to leave you with doing you own home work, just as I have done over the past years, and I have found some great Native thinkers that have graduated from your wonderful institutions of learning that have published the contradiction.
I will give you no leads to who they are, but that you do have the tool to do the research, your sitting right in front of it and its not only to be used to play online video games or post boring photos with saying from who I don't know, or all that other crap that is a big waste of time.

Ok back to the "THEORY"


How is it that a nation or a recently developed institution, compared to a people that have existed for far longer, can determine the past the present and the future for others?
Right I understand please forgive...
this immature adolescent of a nation is superior in its science, politics, monotheism and its ability to educate the savages, is what gives it the "power", the power to put almost every person to work, what was once a free and self sustainable people now the servant -slave to the monarchy/Ultra rich and their corporate-governments.

The institution is not straight with the common peoples, their orthodox methods of researching are flawed and now outmoded, their explanations of the natural world are inconsistent ! 

please... please for the sake of the Natural Reality, the plants, the animals, the peoples and for the EARTH do some research. 

Anim AnimooshAscetic Thunderer of The Underwater Serpent  and Thunderbird

"The storm is coming"