Monday, August 19, 2013

You may think this is over, genocide.

The residential schools was a system that was brought up to,

1 Denature the children, and to brake the community

2 Steal the land

3 Replace the chiefs

The very reason was and still is, the neoliberalism system is instigated by the civilized world against the natural world and this hasn’t changed one bit in many years . Look how the health of the people is being exploited, the system wants the indigenous people to be unhealthy, its a multi-billion dollar industry and look who exploits it, by mining, building, cultivating, Muti-national corporation, and look who was initially living in that land.

You will quickly understand that this neoliberal system needs to destroy or to kill the indigenous peoples in order to produce enough for the civilized privileged nations to survive. The products that we buy today are directly connected to the aboriginal genocides.

The gold on your wedding ring is mind from the wayan country that you call Guyana. The waana peope where colonized by the French schools, indoctrinated by the Christian missionaries, and now They die poisoned by mercury and the “french cannot control the clandestine gold searching.
The Jarawa people of India, whom ALL children where brought into residential schools just recently, so that the government of India can build a road to tourism and the way to civilization.

The Kayapo people, in so called Brazil whom’s motto is “Order and progress” - at least is doesn’t lie for once- are condemned by the 3 biggest dams of the world. Not only is it a natural disaster, but it condemns all the people of Amazonia to death. You can call death adaptation or desperation. but its still death.

From the Tchouktche small people, to the pygmy, it is always about stealing the earth, stealing the spirits, in the name of your civilization.
The tools are always the same : the church – all monotheism, the school, the alcohol, the social services, the money, the “every one is a chief” system, the lie system.

Today, in your country, you are asked to vote for or against the growth of the ethnologic museum. Just one remark : we asked to leave one advertisement in the museum, it was strongly refused. We were told, only what belongs to the "city" can go into the museum. I didn’t know that the spirits of my people belong to the city of your dreams.

Seriously, our people don’t need neocolonialism and to have our spirits transformed into art, in hyp- galleries or in museums. Our spirits are alive, and will be for ever, even if we all disappear. But you have to understand that you didn’t invent the world, not with the Christian god, not with the scientific gods or not with any of the monotheist religions, not with the educational dogma. 
My mother, my people, - and us all indigenous nature based peoples, we all know the animals as our people, that are constantly exploited, killed , tortured in the name of the civilized man. But what does this world mean, “civilization” ? 
Here the etymology is instructive : the latin world “civis” means “city”. 
There is a civilization where there is a common respect for the characteristic qualities of good cities : a same respect for the usual objects, clothes, monuments, rites. The world itself, the word civilization appears in the 18 century 5 years after the landing of the french troupes in Algeria, this was the signal of the beginning of the french colonization and was build from “to civilize” 

Now, just think about this : there is a war between the people of the city who are the people of the expanding and producing -“Order and progress”, and the people of the nature.
This war is going on here in your kitchen, and when you buy a chicken sandwich and French fries at McDonalds , implanted on south American Indian lands, with poor cows suffering in your farm factories.
This is why the residential schools, the churches, the Corporate Government exist to this day for you, the good little hard working citizen of the Global Reservation-work Camp and your comfortable lille cities!

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